This is an archive of all of the articles that I wrote while I was working as the Opinions Editor for The Torch.

2023-05-01 -- Beauty: a necessity for the Good Life

2023-04-24 -- Graduation season is upon us: here’s some things to do before semester’s end

2023-04-10 -- While liberal arts are oftentimes frustrating, they can result in seeds of wisdom

2023-03-27 -- ChatGPT isn’t going to take our jobs, at least while we have a say

2023-02-13 -- Politics have become a sport, is pointless to care about day-to-day

2023-02-06 -- The implications of changing language ought not be taken lightly

2023-01-23 -- Republican-led House has opportunity to make real change

2022-12-05 -- Midterms seem to prove one thing: both sides are out for political revenge

2022-11-07 -- Midterm predictions: Republican victory likely, very little will actually change

2022-10-11 -- Consider taking statistics this upcoming spring, most applicable math class

2022-10-06 -- LaTeX, indispensable to undergraduate writing assignments

2022-09-08 -- Minimize technology’s role in your life

2022-09-01 -- FBI raid on Mar-A-Lago: a masterclass in failing realpolitik

2022-05-06 -- "The right side of history" seeks to distract discussion, misplaces focus on the future

2022-03-24 -- Sanctions backfired, Western hegemony threatened

2021-12-02 -- Future of America seems bleak, current trends suggest too late to fix

2021-12-02 -- Disease of cowardice now endemic, people need to act now to contain its spread

2021-09-30 -- Matrimony of State & Inc. is not to be desired

2021-09-29 -- Gratitude is not the easiest crop to sow, but when reaped adds fulfillment, meaning

2021-09-09 -- The right to privacy is under appreciated, forms the foundation of individual freedoms