lesspass-cl - An implementation of lesspass in Common Lisp


I really wanted to stop being dependent on other people for my passwords. Simple as that really - I have been using a lesspass technique for saving my passwords and I really have enjoyed the process of using it, and it has been way nicer and more convenient than writing all of my passwords down on paper and keeping them in a folder.

However, what really was the impetus to start working on this library was the archiving of the implementation of lesspass that I was using at the time. While not immediately a problem, it does raise some concerns about the future security of the project.

And while sure, there are other implementations of lesspass out there, such as hlesspass, there is something comforting about using your own code.

what is lesspass anyways?

Lesspass describes itself as a stateless password manager. While this is mostly true, there are some little caveats. Yes, it is true that there is not some database file (like in keypass, or any of that ilk) that you have to protect with your life to ensure that it stays around. However, it does have state for other things.

Instead of carrying around that database file everywhere, you carry some pretty trivial information about the password itself in your brain.

You need to have the following info stored somewhere in those few cubic centimeters:

-Or- you can write the basic information on paper and keep the masterpassword only in your head. Choice is yours really.

It’s a pretty clever idea, and one that is not even exclusive to lesspass. There’s spectre which takes this idea to an even more minimal extreme.

the algorithm

Rather surprisingly, I didn’t really find a good description of the actual algorithm anywhere when I was writing this library, I just read the source of the python implementation and went from there. Maybe there is a good description of it, and if I find it, I’ll add it to this section.

However, for other people who are interested, I’ll breakdown each component in pseudo-code:

First is the entropy computation:

fn compute_entropy (pass_profile, master_pass) = {
  # Salt string is the site with the login and counter (as hex)
  salt = pass_profile.site \
  + pass_profile.login \
  + pass_profile.counter.as_hex().lowercase()

  bytes = pbkdf2_hash_pasword(

  return bytes.as_hex().as_integer()

This entropy is meant to serve as a “random” number which has entropy “consumed” throughout the computation.

Naturally, then, we need a way to consume the entropy that we have:

fn consume_entropy (password, current_entropy, set_of_chars, max_length) = {
  if (password.length() >= max_length) {
    return password, max_length
  } else {
    quotient, remainder = divmod(current_entropy, set_of_chars.length())
    return consume_entropy(
      password + set_of_chars[remainder],

The consume entropy function will always generate a password of length “max_length”, and will grab a bunch of characters at random. We do not have any assurances though that it will select one of each type. Those being lowercase, uppercase, digits, and symbols.

So, we need a way to use our entropy to get a character from each rule itself:

fn get_one_char_per_rule (current_entropy, rules) = {
  ent = current_entropy
  one_char_per_rules = ""

  for (rule in rules) {
    available_chars = rule-to-charset(rule)
    char, ent       = consume_entropy("", ent, available_chars, 1)
    one_char_per_rules += char
  return one_char_per_rules, ent

This will return us a string of length rules.length(), so a max of 4, with the string always having a lowercase be first, uppercase being second, digits being third, and a symbol being fourth. (This is the ordering for the case when we have all four rules there, if one is missing, then naturally the character for it will be omitted).

While we could just append this string to the end of a generated password (thus ensuring that we have at least one of every character class in the password), that seems wrong. So instead, we can use our current entropy value to insert each character into the password.

fn insert_string_pseudo_randomly (password, current_entropy, string) = {
  pass = password
  entr = current_entropy

  for (char in string) {
    quotient, remainder = divmod(entr, pass.length())
    pass = pass.insert_at(remainder, char)
    entr = quotient
  return pass

We don’t need to return the entropy here, since the password generation at this point is over, and we don’t need that value anymore.

So now, to tie it all together, the actual creation of the password looks something like this:

fn generate_password(password_profile, master_password) = {
  entropy = calculate_entropy(password_profile, master_password)

  rules        = password_profile.rules.sort()
  set_of_chars = rules_to_charset(rules)

  password, entropy = consume_entropy("",
                                      password_profile.length - rules.length()
  chars_to_add, entropy = get_one_char_per_rule(entropy, rules)
  final_pass = insert_string_pseudo_randomly(password, entropy, chars_to_add)

  return final_pass

And that’s really it. Obviously this code isn’t executable, but it should be illustrative enough for you to be able to implement it in <your language of choice>, since it’s not a very complex algorithm.

development process

Developing a lisp application was a good bit different compared to other programming languages that I’ve used before. I definitely wasn’t new to lisp in general, but new to the process of having to require libraries and to make sure that my library was actually usable.

And since I knew that I wanted to write a library and test suite from the start, I had to jump into the deep end and learn enough of ASDF to get my library to be ql:quickload-able.

I will say that it was somewhat tricky to figure out what I needed to do in order for the test suite to be usable via asdf:test-system, but it turned out to be simple in the end.


In addition to implementing lesspass v2, I also wrote a little companion program, lsps which allows for passwords to be generated interactively (outside of the CL repl).

While I initially wrote lsps as a sbcl script, I instead rewrote it to be able to be “image dumped” into an executable using a script. That way, you can compile lsps with other lisp implementations, provided they are supported by uiop:dump-image.


lsps, as mentioned above, is a helper for using the lesspass library. It allows you to specify every piece of information through the command line, or it can interactively prompt the user for the needed information.

Additionally, it supports reading “saved” information for specific sites, (excluding the login, incase someone were to make their file public by accident) using a semi-colon separated CSV in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/lsps/sites.

concluding thoughts

lesspass-cl was my first foray into the world of Common Lisp development outside of configuring stumpwm and other miscellaneous scripts.

I have to say, that the experience has left me pretty well convinced that Common Lisp is one of the better choices when it comes to writing actual end user applications. Granted, while lesspass-cl is not some gigantic 100kLOC project, with 30+ developers, I still think that the overall experience of developing an application in Common Lisp can scale up to teams that large.

See nyxt for an example of a Common Lisp project that is that big!

thoughts on using CL

the good


The library selections are actually quite good! I was definitely worried that there would be a shortage of libraries, but there is quite a number of well written code out in the wild. I will say, that some of the libraries can be quite old (it is not surprising to see commits from 5 years ago), but that doesn’t mean that the library doesn’t work.


I was already a lisper before I started this project, so I was already sold on repl-driven-development, however this project showed me just how nice life is over in CL land. Slime and Sly are both fantastic plugins and make writing CL a breeze!


One of the things that I think most people take for granted is having multiple compilers for a language. While almost no language comes close to C when it comes to the number of compilers, Common Lisp has four very well established open source compilers, with a fifth and sixth in development.

These are the open source compilers (still maintained) that I am aware of:

the ehh

building executables

I do feel bad for putting this in the “ehh” category, but for most people, the workflow for building binaries is a little different. Definitely not more difficult, just different.

Instead of breaking down a program into a bunch of little compilation units, and linking them all together, you instead make a core dump of the program which results in an “image” that you can ship to customers.

There really isn’t a ton to say here, other than adjusting your workflow to reflect the “Lisp way” of doing things.

I will say, one potential upside (or downside depending on how you view the “customer”) is that the shipped executables contain everything that was accessible in the common lisp image. This includes the repl, and all of the libraries that were loaded. It is possible to actually start up a swank/slynk server and connect an editor to the application, and modify it in real-time. Grammarly has even used this exact technique in production.

It’s mostly a process of learning how things are done.

the bad

quicklisp https support

Quicklisp doesn’t download libraries using https - while this is done in an effort to make quicklisp available on all conceivable Lisp implementations, this is obviously a problem with regards to security.

There are ways to fix this broken behavior, but each has it’s own caveats.

Arguably the least intrusive solution is to simply follow this blog post discussing how to use mitmproxy to force https for all local connections, and to simply run mitmproxy when downloading libraries.

However, this should not need to be done at all for simply the secure downloading of libraries for a programming language. This should simply be the default and it is really unfortunate that it isn’t.

NOTE: you can also checkout ql-https which is a lisp package for doing this without mitmproxy.

dumped images are rather large

When dumping images to executables, the files they produce are rather hefty. For example, dumping lsps, even with compression enabled, still produces a 17MB file! While this is fine on modern systems with modern amounts of storage and ram, it still does seem somewhat wasteful to me, to be forced to ship the full lisp stack every time you want to make an executable.

NOTE: This is only really a problem on all of the free lisp implementations, all of the proprietary implementations allow you to use a technique called “tree-shaking” to remove all of the unused functions and code from your executable resulting in a much smaller image size.

You can also check out roswell’s tree-shaker if you are interested in using roswell (or have lisp installed via roswell). I personally don’t use roswell, since I haven’t felt the need for it. It also forces you to use it’s provided lisp binaries AFAICT, so it’s a little redundant for me.

ideas for improvement

Outside of making the downloading of libraries safer (using https), I would say that there isn’t a ton of need for improvement.

There could be some benefit to continuing the development of the command line library managers, qlot or ros come to mind. However, the biggest issue with these tools is that they are inherently outside the lisp repl, which is the best place to manage your projects anyways.

I think that if someone where to implement something akin to python’s virtual environments that would be a huge boost in productivity, while allowing for the actual vendoring of libraries, which currently is done most commonly through using git submodules (yuck).

Admittedly, I don’t use either qlot or ros, since I find the repl to be more than adequate for most of my needs, but writing command line tools would make it easier to integrate Lisp into existing CI infrastructures.

Having tree-shaking be more accessible to people who do not use roswell would be rather nice aswell.